prerequisits |
components |
Prospective candidates must have a current New Zealand registration (or overseas equivalent) and professional training in the mental health field. Some prior experience in psychoanalytic psychotherapy is recommended. A suitable level of psychological sophistication, personal and professional maturity, is required. Selection will be by individual interview.
personal therapyThere is a requirement of twice weekly psychoanalytic psychotherapy/ psychoanalysis, with a therapist approved by the Institute, for the duration of the Training. The emphasis of the training is on the opportunity for immersion in psychoanalytic work and the integration of theory with clinical practice.
training 2021 application form |
The programme consists of four interconnected components:
1. A theoretical programme with clinical seminars and workshops 2. Weekly individual clinical supervision 3. The completion, and presentation, of two training cases 4. Personal psychoanalytic psychotherapy or psychoanalysis The formal part of the Training consists of a three year programme of theoretical and clinical seminars. There is an emphasis on an integration of theoretical understanding with clinical practice. All aspects of the training have to be taken concurrently. Accompanying this programme, and as an extension to it, the Institute offers additional weekend seminars led by psychoanalysts and other senior practitioners in the field from New Zealand and abroad. Trainees are encouraged to seek membership of the Institute and PPAA after the successful completion of all the training requirements. supervisionTrainees are required to have weekly individual psychoanalytic supervision, with a supervisor approved by the Institute, for the duration of the Training until the completion of the Training Requirements.
training casesTwo Training Cases are undertaken concurrent with the Training programme. The first case comprises of at least twice weekly psychotherapy with an individual patient for two years. The second case, to be commenced after the two-year completion date, twice-weekly for one year. The particular focus of the supervision is the in-depth, ongoing work with the Training Cases.